Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Streak Has Ended

All good things must come to an end....a solitary mortar (not close) just came over. Not sure where it landed will find out later. And the routine begins again. Actually these long periods can make one careless....better to be on one's toes all the time.

Nothing much going on. I have to move out of my trailer into a dual one to make room for the new Assistan PM who just happens to be related to the person over us from the Army-ah politics, can't escape it aywhere. We have to move two others (pecking order) and have to clean and repaint the one I am going into. Also now I don't have a bed long enough....and that's not gonna work....twins are too short. So they are building me a longer one. Can't wait to see that.

Been trying to be positive about the entire organization but from what we all have seen...it's a mess. Not housekeeping (Great reviews of course) but the rest is all messed up. No organization, no corporate support, no supplies (logistically a mess), no command, etc etc. All the things I detest in an operation. Hopefully when the new PM and APM get here Sunday this will change. The last company really let the employees run the show....now we are having issues regaining control (but the current APM-old contractor from before) has no spine. So the inmates are running the asylum. Not in Leo and mine area's....we set the stage early and hard.

Anyway enough whinning for now, back to work.

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