Thursday, December 13, 2007

Day 150.64 - POKER Thursday

Yep it's Thursday and our POKER night - well actually we now play twice per week - there's a Monday game too. We are down to only four players but its still fun. We finished the game room and if I say so myself it's OK - typical manly man room - (Thanks to "Tool Time" blueprints & Time Allen- he's our idol - NOT). Anyway a few pictures are better then me describing it.
Thanks to Leo for the Christmas decor - Leave in 2 days home in 5 - yippie!!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

PIctures from Thanskgiving

Just a few pictures of the aftermath of the Thanksgiving day attacks - only one minor injury - thank goodness. Luckily they over shot the main building of the hoapital and hit

behind it.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Well quite an eventful day we had. Very nice lunch with all the fixings (and shrimp cocktail to boot). It was very good but not nearly as good as home cooking.... It was different being away for the first time.....

Then things got ugly. At about 4:40pm Ali Baba dropped about 20 rockets onto the area in less than 5 minutes. Everyone was in the bunkers. Surprisingly little major damage and only very minor wounds. Luckily they can't aim very well. The DFAC (Dining facility) had to be closed so no real dinner. Thankfully it wasn't nearer to 5pm as then there would have been lots people outside and that could have been real ugly.

Enough of that.....Friday is always quiet cause its the Iraqi religious day (like our Sundays)....reduced crew and basically Chip and I cover everything while the others are off. I get Sundays.....

Oh well - Only 25.71 days till I leave for home - yeppie.

Hope everyone had a GREAT TURKEY DAY...
Hi to all

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Same Day More Pictures

Wednesday Day 121.87

Today I finally got moved into my very own trailer (again) - it's even bigger than the first one I had to move out of. A few pictures of the new digs - obviously I need decorating help 911.

Counting the days till I can leave for home (34.13) - not that I am EXACTLY tracking the hours and minutes.

We had a little fun with the Program Manager back in the states - he was always petrified to be here. Every little noise could send him scurrying to the bunker - so after he left I go the painter's to make a special place for him. His personal bunker......of course some how pictures found there way back to KY.

Other than this nothing much going on in Baghdad - except the usual car bombs, IED's, mortars and rockets- just another day in a city gone wild.

Be home soon - Bye all

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Well it's not that big a change just the Unit number

We were the 28th CSH but now it's the 86th just change 28 to 86....
everything selse is the same as before...


Monday, October 22, 2007

DAY - 98.45

Nearing the 100 day mark - sometime Wednesday. ONLY 57.55 days left till R & R (Heading home).

Rather eventful week - yea won at poker both times (practicing for the WSOP next year) that was good....hope that streak continues. Then Mr Ali Baba started his incoming on Wednesday night and I was relaxing on the bed (6:05pm)-half asleep. Boom Boom...near by and I jumped out of bed....well no one told me I wasn't a Ballet dancer so when I landed on Mr Left Big Toe- it not being properly trained to do that Toe stand thing (can't remember what the technical ballet term is) anyway it went CRACK and down I went. So NO technically I did NOT fall out of bed.....regardless of those nasty rumors. Yea, the toe broke at the base where it meets the foot bone....and of course one can't do much about that....except WHINE (now where's the cheese). Yes there are pictures but no - it's too ugly a sight to share (lol).... Good thing I'm in the desert cause my poor old foot would freeze in the states. On the positive side - I got to watch movies for two days in my trailer....but back at work today...well sorta.

Anyway enough of this realty show (or is it a Comedy) for now. Should be all healed by Dec 19th...I hope

Monday, October 8, 2007

Day 84.38 -- Columbus Day

Just another day in the wastelands. It was an eventful week some what - the Polish Ambassador was a patient after the bombing attempt on his life. He's OK. Ramadan (the religious month long holiday is almost over), then comes the 3 day feast thing. Ali Baba (the bad guys name) has been alot more active recently and will step up the incoming during the festival - go figure. Supposed to be a happy time yet lots will perish.

The picture's are of how we (not me-height issue) trim the palm trees....the guy shimmies up barefooted and cuts the stalks....then back down...these things are 50 ft high....NOT ME.

The other picture is a container of our hand soap....look closely - yep there is a bullet inside. When we opened a new case of this - it was all busted up. This bullet went through the warehouse roof and into the case. Ending up in this bottle of soap. We did a little CSI-ing and back tracked to find the hole in the roof - see TV watching helps in real world :-)
Only 71.61 days till I leave Amman, Jordan for Home - Yea. Can't wait to see everyone. Also should be interesting to visit Jerusalem and Petra, Jordan (Indy Jones and Crusade movie site).
Should have some great pictures after that.....
So on that note I will sign off -

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Day 73.38 - Only 292.62 Left

OK - Viewer Discretion Advised - the pictures you can already see may be warmful to viewers under the age of 60 - he he. Besides it's disgusting - He He
Yep these are how the Iraqi's leave their bathroom. Yes that toilet is a proclean hole in the floor. They don't use toilets like we do nor TP - they use the hose there on the floor. And US hospital think their public restrooms look bad - top this.
Not much happening - been very quiet during Ramadan - Religious Holiday for 33 days. It's nearing the end and that's when we expect trouble....but we all hope not. We have added a second poker night and the chess tournament is to begin when we get the final two sets from home. I am more of the poker type than chess....
Out newest PM, Jack is great. He got moved up from Assistant last week. Things are getting better everyday.....hopefully we have solved out Logistics problem and will get good stuff from the states.
Only 82 days till R & R, can't wait. Bahama's here come the Harris'......for a whole week. I fly from Amman Jordan with Brian O. We have to be in Jordan for two nights and plan a day long sightseeing trip. Pictures will follow afterward of course.
The weather here is turning quickly, average temp 104.....mornings and evenings are beautiful, even the sky is clear for a change. They say it gets even better October thru December.
That's it for now, hope everyone is well. Miss all

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day 58 - September 11, 2007

Well today Leo's son reenlisted in the army and we had the ceremony on the roof of the hospital with Baghdad as the back drop. Also took some pictures of the Sheraton Hotel-Baghdad with windows shot out. The next picture is the GRD Bldg where the rockets hit-holes in the wall. That's the Iraqi Parliment building with the Flag. Then we have two Blackhawks flying by.....last picture Leo's son and his LT - thats Bailey and Chief holding the flag.

Other than this nothing exciting happening lately. Ramadan " Moslem holiday" begans thursday and runs for a month (New Moon to New Moon) - that's when things will probably get dicey.. We started a chess tournament today - a double eliminaton bracket....should be fun, these guys love their chess and soceer. Bad part is we have One chess board, so the tournament will take awhile.... to see the Pats kick some Jet booty, hopefully I will ge to see one game each week without getting up at 4am....nah I am not that big a fan.. Two more Birthdays this month, Leo and Brittany- more cakes and this time I will video that cool camera.
That's it - Only 307 more days to go.....time flies by
Hi to everyone

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Day 39 - Thursday August 30th

Well this is team Baghdad, from left to right- Jack (APM), Mitch (PM), Chip (APM), Jessie (IS), Brittany (Finance), Brian O (Safety), Leo and Me.....
Oh the other one is a scorpion...first one we saw...didn't know they where around here. They have black and yelloww ones (it's black)...It was in the carpentry shop.
Nothing else exciting happening... Guess the big holiday time starts around Sept 10th and lasts 2 weeks I believe. They will be lots of problems during that period. Lock downs, etc. Should be interesting.
It's poker night and about time to eat so I will sign off for now.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Sadam's Old Personal Palace - US EMBASSY NOW

His royal highness
Entrance - all Marble and Stone
Abraham, Leo and Me - Gold Door

Mural of 7 nukes aimed at IRAN

Visited the embassy/palace yesterday and the place was unreal - all interior doors GOLD....No wonder the country was broke.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday -August 24th

Seems we have a regular visitor back.....more incoming three days in a row....loud but not that close. Funny how this seems more normal than the long period of nothing.....guess it's all what one is used too. Can you really ever be used to those things?

Funny thing the other day, I called Tina and she answers out low and behold she and Ashley are in Kayhak's....go figure. Best part Tina tied off to Ashley and Alyssa and they pulled mom as she talked to me. I am in the desert, they are on a MI river.....just struck me funny. Can't wait to see those pictures, almost as good as 3 dogs in a canoe.....well two dogs and a pnoy (no offense Skylar but you are as big as a pony-but much prettier).

Hope to do some sight seeing today - waiting for Leo and Brian to get up (their day off) and we will go to the Pizza Hut and shot some pictures of the city - I hope. I get off Sunday's.....

Well just a shortie, hope I get some cool pix and if so will post later today.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Streak Has Ended

All good things must come to an end....a solitary mortar (not close) just came over. Not sure where it landed will find out later. And the routine begins again. Actually these long periods can make one careless....better to be on one's toes all the time.

Nothing much going on. I have to move out of my trailer into a dual one to make room for the new Assistan PM who just happens to be related to the person over us from the Army-ah politics, can't escape it aywhere. We have to move two others (pecking order) and have to clean and repaint the one I am going into. Also now I don't have a bed long enough....and that's not gonna work....twins are too short. So they are building me a longer one. Can't wait to see that.

Been trying to be positive about the entire organization but from what we all have's a mess. Not housekeeping (Great reviews of course) but the rest is all messed up. No organization, no corporate support, no supplies (logistically a mess), no command, etc etc. All the things I detest in an operation. Hopefully when the new PM and APM get here Sunday this will change. The last company really let the employees run the we are having issues regaining control (but the current APM-old contractor from before) has no spine. So the inmates are running the asylum. Not in Leo and mine area's....we set the stage early and hard.

Anyway enough whinning for now, back to work.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

More Pictures - Saturday - Day 27 PART 2

Here's a few more for today (Part 1 beow this post). Here are some parked military vehicles-it's ok to take pictures of them. That's the Court House - it's being repaired...quite beautiful building before it got the early days of the war, not recently. Most of the structures are very pretty - more pictures next week.... Ya know it's weird to park next to a Hummer with a 50 cal. - and you go in to at a grocery store. Wonder the reaction at Busch's if you pulled up to a parked Abrahams M-1.....American's just dont realize how good we have it....these poor people live in fear everyday....

More Pictures - Saturday - Day 27 (Part 1)

Some pictures of the outside wall of the new US Embassy (largest in the world).....thats a 20' ft high wall around the entire complex. It's got to be 3 blocks long and I am not sure how wide. it's HUGH. It's supposed to open in November.... We still plan on sight seeing next Friday, so then some palaces, tomb of unknown soldier, etc. - all in IZ of course. The Iraqi's drive like crazymen...the roundabout (circle) is a free for one stops.

Still been very quiet lately almost 2 weeks.....just minor stuff (don't believe what the media says) - I heard ABC ran the story of our little girl in the hospital......finely a decent story. The troops do alot of good things that never get doesn't sell ....

Not much else happening - it's becoming routine now....will get more pictures of interesting places eventually. Like Sadam's pools and palace (old embassy now).

Bye from the wastelands.....

Monday, August 13, 2007

Celebration Part 2 -

Pix -1 Me, Pix -2 Huda and Brittany, Pix-3 Elvis B-Day card, Pix--4 Brian O, Leo and Brittany.
It was a pleasant surprise - and the cake was good too.

Celebration Time Come On-----Part 1

What a surprise - cake and all - the candle was the highlight - I got a couple to send home, neer seen anything like this one. It was a nice day - thanks to the team for making the day a little less hard, being away from home.
Miss all -

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Day 21 - Sunday A Small Mile Stone

I am off today - Yea, first in 3 weeks. Movies, popcorn, music and WOW all day. Jay was the first on blog and Ashley first to call.....

The week has been very quiet till this morning....3am something happening a ways away but not sure what-so I went back to sleep. Getting used to all of this. Settling into a routine, same as back home (except not there-a big difference). We are trying to figure out how to get football games (our current cable only gets ESPN and 5 movie channels, 8 radio ones, rest in arabic- all 400 of them). Brian O has been tasked that....he reminds me of Ed McW-well except he's 6'4", but can make computers wiz.

We are slowly getting the hospital cleaned up but still haven't gotten our all supplies and equipment. No HS hard to keep corridors shinning. Stuff supposed to come today-but thats what they say everyday. Anyway we get compiments all the time from the soldiers and staff-they ain't seen nothing yet.

We are still trying to sort out who goes when on vacation- I am technically last in line (last two arrive of the 4 here-Brian O, Brittany, Leo then me). Seems both B's want a crosser week at the same time (Xmas of course). We may have to have a poker hand to decide, speaking of which I was the big winner this week, finally. We are going to start having a mini-tournament next week. All put in $30 and winner take all.

We work with Chief Vick (CW2), SFC Bailey and Dennis (Civilian COR), but they rotate out in Nov and we get an entire new team (the whole unit in hospital rotates out)....they do this every 12-15 months. And our PM (Project Manager) arrives Sept 1st as well....

Now about the pictures......Name that Plant....and WIN.......and don't make up a scientific name cause I will check it out. Oh the contest is to give it a "personal"name and give the type of plant (2 parts)....winner gets a prize from here. As to the other pictures-that's me waving, and our Iraqi mom's (Vvyan& Huda) - they keep the trailers and us straight - great ladies. Again most of the people here are great inside the compound and out. It's the crazies you have to watch.
Well, that's it for now - no I am NOT 59 till 6:26pm tonight....still young (Hmm, is that right-cause I was born on EST and now I am 8 hrs ahead- wait a minute then I won't be 59 till 2:26am tomorrow- oh my gosh now I am totally confused)
Eck- 2008 Bruce is 50, Dori 30 (Ashley 17- oh my gosh) and I AM NOT....Las Vegas should be a blast with the whole family together for the first time in forever.....ya know one doesn't realize how much that means till you aren't there....
With that final bit of confusion I sign off and begin my day of laziness.....Good Luch Ashley in your final Concerts in Travers City this weekend, Jay your script is great and Dori- when do I get REAL two legged grandchilds......not the four legged variety.....

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Day 15 - Monday

Did something unusual today - like escort $100K cash to the compound. Yea everything is paid in cash here, payroll,supplies, vendors, all but us of course. It was strange actually counting out the $ 100K....
Remember the baby I talked about well she is much bettter - her story is terrible. Her parents were asassinated by the terriosts, and she was tossed into a dumpster to die. Luckily our troops found her and brought her in...she is adorable and gaining weight-even smiles alittle now.
Temperature continues to be milder -realitively speaking 111-112, it was actually 86 at 6am this morning. We started putting in more bunkers and barriers at the compound. Even started building a permanent structure for sleeping quarters (not for us, the army).
I have added some pictures on this page and a second posting......
Some of the hospital and compound and staff. Enjoy. More to follow
Short story tonight - hi to all, miss all