Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday -August 24th

Seems we have a regular visitor back.....more incoming three days in a row....loud but not that close. Funny how this seems more normal than the long period of nothing.....guess it's all what one is used too. Can you really ever be used to those things?

Funny thing the other day, I called Tina and she answers out low and behold she and Ashley are in Kayhak's....go figure. Best part Tina tied off to Ashley and Alyssa and they pulled mom as she talked to me. I am in the desert, they are on a MI river.....just struck me funny. Can't wait to see those pictures, almost as good as 3 dogs in a canoe.....well two dogs and a pnoy (no offense Skylar but you are as big as a pony-but much prettier).

Hope to do some sight seeing today - waiting for Leo and Brian to get up (their day off) and we will go to the Pizza Hut and shot some pictures of the city - I hope. I get off Sunday's.....

Well just a shortie, hope I get some cool pix and if so will post later today.

1 comment:

Dori & Adam said...

Sorry to hear that your "visitors" are back, but I guess it was inevitable. Glad to see that you have been posting again. You went awhile there without posting anything, so I was getting a little lazy checking. But I'm back on track and looking forward to more from you ;) When I first saw your other post, I thought the title was "Steak ended." I thought perhaps that they stopped serving surf and turf at the chow hall there and you were posting something about funny about the new quality of food. Clearly not, obviously it said "STREAK" not steak. Sometimes I'm not very observant.

That is too bad that you have to switch rooms and that your bed is too short for you. You must feel like Snow White trying to sleep in the 7 Dwarves' beds. You'll have to take a picture of this bed they are constructing for you. That will be a riot I'm sure.

Did you get to do any sightseeing on Friday? What all did you see? Where did you go? How big is the IZ? They have a pizza hut out there? Is it the same? What did you do on your day off Sunday? thanks for posting more pictures of your surroundings. the new embassy is probably pretty incredible. it is a shame at how bombed out the palaces and shrines are out there. They were beautiful. Adam has some fantastic pictures of what were probably once beautiful buildings.

Keep your spirits up. Don't stub your toe on your tiny bed ;) Love and miss you Bag"daddy"