Monday, August 13, 2007

Celebration Part 2 -

Pix -1 Me, Pix -2 Huda and Brittany, Pix-3 Elvis B-Day card, Pix--4 Brian O, Leo and Brittany.
It was a pleasant surprise - and the cake was good too.


Dori & Adam said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DAD! Sorry I wasn't able to say it on your birthday on the blog. We were just getting back from our 3 day backpacking trip! I'll put that in an email and tell you all about it (no need to bore the others). that was nice of everyone there to get you a cake and wish you a happy birthday! Hopefully they sang a little for us too. must be feeling your age if you (of all people) are asking for 2 legged grandkids....hmmm..I'm speechless, literally, I have no comment, no retort..utterly and completely speechless. What I can say is that since Adam will be at Special Forces training for the better part of 2 years, i can pretty much GUARANTEE that you won't have any in the next two years! Not sure that I want to embark on that journey alone while he is off at Bragg, sorry to disappoint you. Ask me again in the beginning of 2010 when he is back home ;)

I loved the pictures you have been posting. Keep them coming. Hopefully tomorrow i'll be able to download some pics of our backpacking trip. Did you get the Jaffe family kayaking photos? Those were pretty funny, 2 people, 3 dogs, 1 canoe...priceless.

Its late, and I'm exhausted and I have an early court appearance (good thing its by phone, since I'm going to be TIRED). Love you and miss you oodles. Looking forward to Vegas in '08 (although I turn 30 this year, yuck). Oh the fun we can have!! Take care, we miss you and love terribly.

J- said...

Does that one signature on the card say "Keep ducking"? What's that all about?