Well thats the fire I was talking about yesterday. One of the workers didnt watch the fire he was burning and it got out of control.
That's one of our Iraqi security guards, we have 6 inside roaming the compound and about 8 at the front gate with their British leader. They are here 24/7 and most very nice. (except for the weapon:).)
Now you say what's with the broken car window. That was from the Iraqi people outside celebrating their victory over Saudi in Asian Cup the other day. They shoot off their weapons (not our guys) into the air....then Mr Gavity takes over and the bullets return. Yes folks one hit the car and one went thru one of the warehouse roofs (no one hurt). We did find the 9mm bullet in the back of the car.... They just don't get it - their celebrations over a soceer game killed 9 people - from shooting into the air.
Another car bomb today in Central Baghdad - not near use at all in the IZ (That's International Zone - ex Green Zone). central is in the Red Zone I believe but not IZ for sure - did I just say "fur Sure - oh my gosh"
Now yes- Dori I knew that was from "Good Morning Vietnam" - nice touch too....yea u win so far the longest relpy. Not sure what you will win though.
More choppers over head tonight (10:30pm) -lot's coming in today, must be some heavy action around here...but havent heard. You get used to the flyovers - usually heading to the hospital across the street...but sometimes the British ones are hunting the bad guys.
Well thats it for tonight - long day again. Watched a movie "Pathfinder" - Conanian thing...
Take care all - miss ya'll. Good Night and God Bless
Hey Brian,
Tina told me where you were and Ashley gave me the URL to this blog tonight after our Capture the Flag Competition at LIFE TEEN.
I am really proud of you for doing this, everyone at the hospital is really blessed to have you with them!
One question... is it hot there? I couldn't tell from reading your posts :-P.
Stay safe, I'll be praying for you! Keep posting and I'll keep reading! God bless!
-Chris Leach
Alright, I'm very frustrated. I just typed up this great comment, and then lost it! AAGGH the internet. Love it.
So, perhaps I can recreate it. As far as my award goes for the longest comment, my first request would be for an Iraqi National Soccer jersey. Although since they won the Asian Cup, it might be hard to find. So, perhaps you could get me something that is native to Baghdad/Iraq. Hmm, what could that be...OH, I know, how about oil? I could always use some oil!
So you spent this evening wathing A conan movie. Out of curiousity have conan movies become their own genre, "conanian"? I had no idea. You know what should have its own genre...Chuck...Norris. that's right! My favorite action hero of all time (compliments of you dad, thank you for keeping me up at night to watch Delta Force and Missing in Action. I think I still have nightmares over the scene with the rat in the bag that gets put over Chucks head). Speaking of Chuck, did you know that everynight before the boogeyman goes to bed he checks his closet for Chuck Norris?? LOL - OH BOY - the hilarity, actually funnier than yesterday's quote about heat from Good Morning Vietnam (and that was funny). If all else fails Dad, I'll keep you very entertained over the next year. You are going to wish I didn't have access to a computer ;)
Ok - just one more - I can't help myself - did you know that outer space exists because its afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris? Good night Dad, until my next joke....I'm sure you'll be eagerly waiting for it...love you lots, take care!
Keep them coming - Conanian is an ashleyism for movies like Conan....
there can be only one - CHUCK NORRIS - rules
A few more I think are hilarious!!
There are no races, only countries of people Chuck Norris has beaten to different shades of black and blue.
Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.
I'm trying to keep you smiling!
love you dad
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