I am off today - Yea, first in 3 weeks. Movies, popcorn, music and WOW all day. Jay was the first on blog and Ashley first to call.....
The week has been very quiet till this morning....3am something happening a ways away but not sure what-so I went back to sleep. Getting used to all of this. Settling into a routine, same as back home (except not there-a big difference). We are trying to figure out how to get football games (our current cable only gets ESPN and 5 movie channels, 8 radio ones, rest in arabic- all 400 of them). Brian O has been tasked that....he reminds me of Ed McW-well except he's 6'4", but can make computers wiz.
We are slowly getting the hospital cleaned up but still haven't gotten our all supplies and equipment. No HS Buffer.....so hard to keep corridors shinning. Stuff supposed to come today-but thats what they say everyday. Anyway we get compiments all the time from the soldiers and staff-they ain't seen nothing yet.
We are still trying to sort out who goes when on vacation- I am technically last in line (last two arrive of the 4 here-Brian O, Brittany, Leo then me). Seems both B's want a crosser week at the same time (Xmas of course). We may have to have a poker hand to decide, speaking of which I was the big winner this week, finally. We are going to start having a mini-tournament next week. All put in $30 and winner take all.
We work with Chief Vick (CW2), SFC Bailey and Dennis (Civilian COR), but they rotate out in Nov and we get an entire new team (the whole unit in hospital rotates out)....they do this every 12-15 months. And our PM (Project Manager) arrives Sept 1st as well....
Now about the pictures......Name that Plant....and WIN.......and don't make up a scientific name cause I will check it out. Oh the contest is to give it a "personal"name and give the type of plant (2 parts)....winner gets a prize from here. As to the other pictures-that's me waving, and our Iraqi mom's (Vvyan& Huda) - they keep the trailers and us straight - great ladies. Again most of the people here are great inside the compound and out. It's the crazies you have to watch.
Well, that's it for now - no I am NOT 59 till 6:26pm tonight....still young (Hmm, is that right-cause I was born on EST and now I am 8 hrs ahead- wait a minute then I won't be 59 till 2:26am tomorrow- oh my gosh now I am totally confused)
Eck- 2008 Bruce is 50, Dori 30 (Ashley 17- oh my gosh) and I AM NOT....Las Vegas should be a blast with the whole family together for the first time in forever.....ya know one doesn't realize how much that means till you aren't there....
With that final bit of confusion I sign off and begin my day of laziness.....Good Luch Ashley in your final Concerts in Travers City this weekend, Jay your script is great and Dori- when do I get REAL two legged grandchilds......not the four legged variety.....
1 comment:
Happy Birthday, Brian. I have been reading your blog. Looking forward to LV too.
Try getting sporting events online through your computer. MLB and College football and basketball is available online.
If you have an s video port on computer, you might be able to put it on your tv otherwise, you might can watch it on your monitor.
Anyway, good luck! Talk with you later.
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