It was weird seeing them arrive here in Baghdad (Baghdad Fire & Rescue). It burnt up three of those palm trees in the picture.
Another day in play land. Fire almost spread to the cars at one point but we got them moved out of the way in time. Somebody is gonna be in deep doodoo over this. Leo got more of the fire I was moving the vehicles.
We actually began some real floor care last night up in the OR and they we amazed. It's too easy....now if our new products and supplies would ever leave DuBai we might actual dazzle them. Tonight we had to lecture the staff about picking up telephones....no they cant even do that due to obvious security reasons...one did and he almost got arrested and canned. Everyone is suspect at all times.
Leo, Brian (the other B) and I actually went to the PX again....and adventured a little further into the area (still in IZ) - lots bombed out palaces. Bet they were once beautiful....but not anymore. Big doings' today, lots choppers in with casualties all day long. Hospital was hoping for a while, quiet now finally. Hopefully we can get another third of the OR area done tonight. Mo (Mohamed) is a very good and dedicated supervisor.....like most of the staff. Leo and I wanna create new positions for the staff - Floor Tech and Leads - get then a little more pay....we shall see. Creating an Employee of the Month insentive plan for them as well.
Nothing more to report today - night all - miss everyone
I love these little stories that you're tossing out on the day-to-day stuff. Let's us all know the life you're living right now. What exactly started the fire? How much of the surrounding area does your hospital cover in terms of patient admittance? And what exactly is the "IZ" and how do you venture out of it? Let me know if you guys get a 360 and I'll send you some games! OH! And did you see? Eric Gagne to the Sox!!!!!
So, its hot you say?? (Name that movie)....
Can you help me? What's your name?
"My name's Roosevelt E. Roosevelt."
Roosevelt, what town are you stationed
in?. "I'm stationed in Poontang."
Well, thank you, Roosevelt.
What's the weather like out there?
"It's hot. Damn hot!
Real hot!
Hottest things is my shorts.
I could cook things in it.
A little crotch pot cooking."
Well, can you tell me what it feels
like. "Fool, it's hot! I told you again!
Were you born on the sun?
It's damn hot!
I saw-- It's so damn hot,
I saw little guys, their orange
robes burst into flames.
It's that hot!
Do you know what I'm talking about."
What do you think it's going to be like tonight? "It's gonna be hot and wet!
That's nice if you're with a lady,
but it ain't no good
if you're in the jungle."
Thank you, Roosevelt.
...Is it that hot?? Whooo...I'm sure I just busted a gut, I'm laughing so hard. I love that part of the movie ;) Hopefully by now you've figured out which movie I'm referring to.
On to the fire...was someone doing a controlled burn or burning trash or something and it just got out of control?
It sounds almost like your job is "easy," if everyone was amazed by your floor care, is it really that dirty? Why can't you pick up a phone? Do you mean answer the phone or physically move them?
So when you guys venture further into the IZ, where do you go? Were you just exploring? So long as you stay within the IZ we won't have to worry too much. When you venture out do you have to wear your helmet and vest? Or is that only if you leave the IZ?
Sounds like you have some good workers with you, should make your job easier, right? Alright, I'm done commenting, I promise. Love you and miss you Bag"daddy"!
Can we get the award for the longest comment???
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