Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Night Before

Well it's the night before I actually leave....all training is completed. Doubt I could spot a terrorist without his/her sign. Getting nervous....oh well just another adventure. Wonder what this 11 hour flight on the new 777 will be like. Can't wait to begin the "Heroes" video's.

Hope my bag makes it this time (didn't to Ft Bragg-it was 10 hours late) - not a pleasant thought if it doesn't get to Kuwait when I do. Maybe in tent city for up to 3 days so I am told. Looks like my accomodations are in some sort of a trailer in Baghdad.....eeegads.....who would of thought. It is just across the street from the hospital.

Well thats it for more access to computer for a while I suppose. Don't get my laptop till I get to Baghdad.

CYA and Love Ya (PS that was for the relatives) :)

Pictures to follow eventually.


Dori & Adam said...

Living in a "trailer" for year? Not so bad, its probably better than the "containers" Adam lived in Mosul. And by container I mean a glorified metal box. Your "trailer" probably sounds worse then it really is, take a picture of it when you get there.

By the time you read this, you will have arrived at your final destination and your "big adventure" will have begun. We will be thinking about you everyday, so hopefully you can email frequently so we know that you are alright.

We love you and miss you

Ashley said...

A trailer? Hmm, thats something you dont hear everyday! Sounds fun, and exciting!

Well, why you are watching hero's there, me and mom are gonna watch them on the computer!

Yeah, and take LOTS and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of pictures, i want to see everything! But make sure there are no pictures of blue lakers =^_^= i think we got enough of this.

Miss ya lots and lots daddy! Be safe, the plane ride is always the best *-*