My office such as it is-wall not painted yet. recognize picture on laptop

The grassy knoll - oh thats actually in Dallas my bad. I am in T3 -yea Trailer 3 orginal huh

Now onto the news....
Well one thing hasn't changed all week and that's the temperature, basically 118 everyday. The workers here are all nice people, very hard working and dedicated to doing a good job. Nothing like the media portrays-gee I wonder why. The hospital isn't very big at all only 3 floors. It's basically 3 areas, an Emergency/Trauma area, ICU and recovery rooms and Operating Rooms.
Some days its slow and others it has mass casualties. Today the newest arrival is the most beautiful little baby girl (10 months old) - not sure whats wrong with her except she weighs only 10 pounds. Here they serve not just allied and iraqi soldiers but also civilian casualties from the war (even a few prisoners). Some things I have seen already one shouldn't have too, especially the massive burn victims. The docs and nurses here are fantastic....this is a true trauma center and the care is incredible. It would make Detroit's and Cincinnati's ER's look like a walk in center. The bad part is it's filthy - I mea filthy - but that's why they needed me :) - Leo (he's 53 and from Colordao) and I have already been getting very positive feedback about the changes...and we have only just begun (as the carpenters sing in the background). No equipment, no supplies but we are changing all that. In about 2 months they wont recongize the place, and then we can go play golf (NOT).
The compound is walled in with 10 foot high cememnt barriers (and barbed wire on top) Armed guards inside and out 24/7 - with only one way in and that has at least 6 guards at all times. To get in all are ID'd and most searched (if national). Cars come in only after mirror and dog checking. Security is tight to say the least. The compound is across the street from the hospital (1/2 block down). The DFAC (Dining Facility) is on the hospital Compound, along with the rec center. All of this is next door to the Australian Embassy. The old US Embassy is down the block from us. Not sure where the new one being built is yet. Will try to get a picture one day. very few people on the streets almost deserted and few cars. Mostly military or Suburbans (guess who they belong too)
Went for my first car ride today down to the PX - past the US Embassy. Took a picture of one of Sadam's Old Palace bombed out. One bomb so I was told. After the PX we went to the Blackhawk Compound....DVD movies here are 3 for 10 from the Iraqi's (pirated of course) but all first run and still in the movies. I got series 1-3 for Battlestar Galactica and Deadwood for $35 total -things don't look pirated....I didnt ask.
It's weird listening to MTV Arabian style-the songs all sound the same. My cable has 500 channels thats right 500 channels (from every arabian country u can think of). I can actually watch 30 I think including all music ones. At least I get ESPN believe it or not. Thank goodness for the enternet.
We've asked to get the Rosita Stone Language Course to learn Arabic - waiting to see if aproved.
Books are basically free on exchange system...thats cool but haven't look at the selection yet.
Now the food on the other hand is incredible. Surf and Turf (and shrimp) yesterday. Every day at lunch and dinner you have a selection of 5 main course, plus 5-7 sides to pick from. Plus grilled items, specials, salads, fruits, breads, dessert, ice cream, pies, etc etc. Boy do I eat and eat well. It was almost worth the trip for the food....well not really.
Well thats about it for tonight - Good Night and God Bless Everyone
1 comment:
Adam is very jealous of you. He took one look at your living conditions and cried. We are attempting to track down a picture of the inside of Adam's trailer. He "oogled" your king size bed and the overall spaciousness of it. Although, I'm a little creeped out about your flack vest (body armor, or as Adam called it the "body sucking tick that sucks the life out of you with its weight) and helmet on that stand. If I woke up in the middle of the night and saw the jacket and the helmet on that stand, I would think someone was standing over my bed staring at me!!! Creepy.
It sounds like the hospital needed you and Leo to help "clean" up the place if its that filthy. You'd think the doctors and nurses who work there would hate to work under such conditions, since the good ones would be used to things sterile.
I guess since you are eating like a king we won't have to worry about sending you any snacks from home. You'll probably come back with some extra weight after all the surf-n-turf specials and desserts.
Adam also accumulated quite a collection of movies on dvd while he was over there. it's weird how they put 3 movies on each DVD. We have one movie that Adam bought over there where a head actually pops up (since the person is videotaping the movie in the movie theater) during the movie! It's like watching an episode of mystery science theater. It makes for funny jokes though.
Keep up the posting. You should rotate the pictures on your laptop so the rest of us feel special too ;)
love you and take care of yourself
dori & adam
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