Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Day 9 Tuesday

Every day is an adventure. It was it's usuall hot (119) but definitely got hotter this afternoon. One of the yard guys let the fire get out of control and we had a massive fire in the yard. Can you believe a real fire truck came (americans) and saved the day.
It was weird seeing them arrive here in Baghdad (Baghdad Fire & Rescue). It burnt up three of those palm trees in the picture.
Another day in play land. Fire almost spread to the cars at one point but we got them moved out of the way in time. Somebody is gonna be in deep doodoo over this. Leo got more of the fire I was moving the vehicles.

We actually began some real floor care last night up in the OR and they we amazed. It's too easy....now if our new products and supplies would ever leave DuBai we might actual dazzle them. Tonight we had to lecture the staff about picking up telephones....no they cant even do that due to obvious security reasons...one did and he almost got arrested and canned. Everyone is suspect at all times.

Leo, Brian (the other B) and I actually went to the PX again....and adventured a little further into the area (still in IZ) - lots bombed out palaces. Bet they were once beautiful....but not anymore. Big doings' today, lots choppers in with casualties all day long. Hospital was hoping for a while, quiet now finally. Hopefully we can get another third of the OR area done tonight. Mo (Mohamed) is a very good and dedicated supervisor.....like most of the staff. Leo and I wanna create new positions for the staff - Floor Tech and Leads - get then a little more pay....we shall see. Creating an Employee of the Month insentive plan for them as well.

Nothing more to report today - night all - miss everyone

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Day 6 - Saturday

My office such as it is-wall not painted yet. recognize picture on laptop
Part of the compound

The grassy knoll - oh thats actually in Dallas my bad. I am in T3 -yea Trailer 3 orginal huh

Guess sadam couldn't hide here...hmmmm..

Now onto the news....
Well one thing hasn't changed all week and that's the temperature, basically 118 everyday. The workers here are all nice people, very hard working and dedicated to doing a good job. Nothing like the media portrays-gee I wonder why. The hospital isn't very big at all only 3 floors. It's basically 3 areas, an Emergency/Trauma area, ICU and recovery rooms and Operating Rooms.
Some days its slow and others it has mass casualties. Today the newest arrival is the most beautiful little baby girl (10 months old) - not sure whats wrong with her except she weighs only 10 pounds. Here they serve not just allied and iraqi soldiers but also civilian casualties from the war (even a few prisoners). Some things I have seen already one shouldn't have too, especially the massive burn victims. The docs and nurses here are fantastic....this is a true trauma center and the care is incredible. It would make Detroit's and Cincinnati's ER's look like a walk in center. The bad part is it's filthy - I mea filthy - but that's why they needed me :) - Leo (he's 53 and from Colordao) and I have already been getting very positive feedback about the changes...and we have only just begun (as the carpenters sing in the background). No equipment, no supplies but we are changing all that. In about 2 months they wont recongize the place, and then we can go play golf (NOT).

The compound is walled in with 10 foot high cememnt barriers (and barbed wire on top) Armed guards inside and out 24/7 - with only one way in and that has at least 6 guards at all times. To get in all are ID'd and most searched (if national). Cars come in only after mirror and dog checking. Security is tight to say the least. The compound is across the street from the hospital (1/2 block down). The DFAC (Dining Facility) is on the hospital Compound, along with the rec center. All of this is next door to the Australian Embassy. The old US Embassy is down the block from us. Not sure where the new one being built is yet. Will try to get a picture one day. very few people on the streets almost deserted and few cars. Mostly military or Suburbans (guess who they belong too)

Went for my first car ride today down to the PX - past the US Embassy. Took a picture of one of Sadam's Old Palace bombed out. One bomb so I was told. After the PX we went to the Blackhawk Compound....DVD movies here are 3 for 10 from the Iraqi's (pirated of course) but all first run and still in the movies. I got series 1-3 for Battlestar Galactica and Deadwood for $35 total -things don't look pirated....I didnt ask.

It's weird listening to MTV Arabian style-the songs all sound the same. My cable has 500 channels thats right 500 channels (from every arabian country u can think of). I can actually watch 30 I think including all music ones. At least I get ESPN believe it or not. Thank goodness for the enternet.

We've asked to get the Rosita Stone Language Course to learn Arabic - waiting to see if aproved.
Books are basically free on exchange system...thats cool but haven't look at the selection yet.
Now the food on the other hand is incredible. Surf and Turf (and shrimp) yesterday. Every day at lunch and dinner you have a selection of 5 main course, plus 5-7 sides to pick from. Plus grilled items, specials, salads, fruits, breads, dessert, ice cream, pies, etc etc. Boy do I eat and eat well. It was almost worth the trip for the food....well not really.

Well thats about it for tonight - Good Night and God Bless Everyone

Friday, July 27, 2007

Some Pictures

Deja Vu - Kuwait

here's a few pictures to mull over - copter's what the heck was I thinking meant choppers....dah

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Day Four

Let's see did my laundry last night around 11pm....finally got to sleep. Had to get up at 3:30 to see if I could get a flight. Well I did. Had to get stuff and then wait in a holding tent till 7am. Next came the bus ride to the - Business Class C-130 (NOT). The plane was a Japanese C-130 and no one spoke much English... We eventually took off (about 30 of us- civies and soldiers) - it was an unbelievable flight....smooth as silk. Other soldiers said best flight they ever had. Got lucky no spiral decent. Landed a t Baghdad militay airport called BIAP. Then it fell apart again, and of course it was darn hot. Had to wait for OSS to finally come and get me (1.5 hr wait) - we went to eat (thats always very good food)....then they took me to the Liberty Pad around 12noon. Had to wait again and finally was to leave at 4PM......my first BLACHAWK copter ride. It was sweet. Wish I could have taken pictures as I fly over Baghdad. Some very beautiful mosques, but alot of destroyed buildings as well.

Landed around 4:50pm and had to wait again till 6:30pm for some one to get me. Then we drove to the BMAR compound. Lot's guards. British in charge of security (with Iraqi's) at our compound. The hospital is directly across the street, guarded by americans and koreans I think, and Iraqi's. Security is tight every where - have or will get 4 more ID's....always need them to get anywhere.

Dining hall here is fabulous, can't believe the quality and quantity of the food. And can eat 4 times per day. Havent seen the other places will tomorrow cause its the Iraqi's Sunday - Raimada I think is how it's spelled. Most of them dont work.

The compound is not very nice...needs lot's work, last company didnt do much at all as far as I can tell. My trailer is very nice. Cement barriers all around, have a hard bunker outside if needed. Pictures to follow. Small living room, TV, DVD (500 TV channels), teany tiny kitchen (no stove), nice bedroom (king bed) and very small bathroom. The bed had a net thing like in africa over it....for show no bugs.

Have to drink tons and tons of water constantly cause of the heat. Outside for 15minutes and you need 2 quart refill...

My counter part is Leo he is from Colorado, nice guy. Our tranlator is Mo (short for Mohammed) - he's OK. Frankly they all are very nice - most don't like the terrorist cause they have shot some of the workers here in the past (when they went home). Now most stay in IZ in housing to be safe. It's the least we can do for there help. They get paid peanuts compared to US but its great money for them here. Again I will get pictures later.

Tomorrow I will tour the hospital....it's mostly for emergency cases. Saw copters in today and the wounded (soldiers) were a sight. The doctors were thick as flies, unbelievable care. No losses today here at any rate. Enough of that.

Guess what they kept talking about a meeting tonight....finally found out it was for POKER...and drinks. It's a dry country and Gen Order 1 is NO BOOZE.....several officer and non-coms plus us are playing in the compound. It's a weekly meeting:-). Small stakes and dont play late.

As of now no attacks today....yesterday there were some (the Welcome Wagon - I suppose). But all's well so far.

That's it for now - Only 361 more days to go.
Hope someone is reading these :)


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

DAY Two & Three - Still Kuwait

Not a happy camper. Yesterday up all day trying to get on a flight to Baghdad. Got assigned one and they miss placed my CAC Card - so at 2:30am this morning I couldn't board the plane. They didn't find my card till 5:30am - so I was up all night. Got rebooked at 910 for a 1130am flight. They palleted our bags and we boarded a bus (hot) to the AFB for a C-130 to Baghdad....well after sitting on the bus an hour in 100+ we got on the 110+ C-130 and sat there for an hour - it was broke. Reboarded the bus and it took us to got eat but then after one bite called us back. We got back and the plane was never fixed. Sat around in 120+ for three hours.

We just got back to the Camp....never got off the ground. You have no idea how hot it is. Drank gallons of water and was soaking wet. No food since yesterday. Well two bites of a beef and rice thing and we had to reboard that bus. Still am cause no gear. We have to wait till 2030 (830pm) to see when we go out again.

It's one messed up process..... at least I got another VIP room/tent and its AC'd.....for now. No gear cant change or anything. Good deodorant though. :)

Did get some pictures of the tents, planes and me sweating like a hog....and one bombed bunker for 1991. Can't post anything on these pay to email computers so you have to wait.

I am very very tired and oh did I say HOT......

Hopefully I get out tonight or tomorrow but have no idea at all. We are supposed to be on the priority list but it's the govt and I won't hold my breath.

Going to eat something and then rest. So thats all for now

Hope next entry from Baghdad...

Miss everyone, wish I was home.

More to follow , hopefully things get better.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Day One - Kuwait

Well the flight to Kuwait was cool - Business Class on a 777 is like (did I just say LIKE- oh my gosh Ashley is rubbing off on me) better than first class on regular flights. I could stretch out and not touch the person in front of me, maybe thats why it cost 4800. Mimosa's, shrimp, movies, reclining seat (lazy boy style)...too neat. Watched a few eps of Hero's then feel asleep.

Arrive Kuwait city, airport looks like all others but very modern. Had to wait for a bus to take us to Ali Al Salem AFB - one hour drive....Did I mention it was HOT. Somewhere in the middle of the desert. Got processed and assigned to Tent B-1 for tonight - did I say anything about it being VERY HOT. Not much to do, its like a dust bowl - hazy all the time. Gonna eat at either Mickie D's or Pizza Hut can you believe it. Then off to sleep - tent has about 8 of us in it and yes its AC'd...haven't met anyone as yet....

I leave for Baghdad tomorrow night around 2100 (that's 9PM). C-130 I suppose, should be interesting. Not sure what I will do tomorrow guess not much to do, except eat and read. Wrong plugs for my elctronic stuff....all outlets like a dryer one. Oh suppose i didn't mention its DARN HOT.

It was like a blast furnce when I left the airport. 112 - it was very dry but HOT none the less....weird not really sweating much, but hot. Very windy and very dusty....landing it looked like a haze all over the place. Didn't want to get off the plane .

No pictures yet, they aren't keen on them regarding anything military ....will take one of my living quarters tomorrow if I can . Assigned to Tent B-1 (VIP) it says can't imagine any different from the others.

Well thats it for now, miss every one and keep the posts coming.
Love Ya all

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Night Before

Well it's the night before I actually leave....all training is completed. Doubt I could spot a terrorist without his/her sign. Getting nervous....oh well just another adventure. Wonder what this 11 hour flight on the new 777 will be like. Can't wait to begin the "Heroes" video's.

Hope my bag makes it this time (didn't to Ft Bragg-it was 10 hours late) - not a pleasant thought if it doesn't get to Kuwait when I do. Maybe in tent city for up to 3 days so I am told. Looks like my accomodations are in some sort of a trailer in Baghdad.....eeegads.....who would of thought. It is just across the street from the hospital.

Well thats it for now...no more access to computer for a while I suppose. Don't get my laptop till I get to Baghdad.

CYA and Love Ya (PS that was for the relatives) :)

Pictures to follow eventually.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Adventure Begins

Began training at Ft. Bragg today. The history of Terrorism...bet ya didnt know it started in 70 BC with Julius C. being kidnapped....More tomorrow as things get even more interesting. Thats all for the first couple of days. Oh its a 100 in NC today