Thursday, September 27, 2007

Day 73.38 - Only 292.62 Left

OK - Viewer Discretion Advised - the pictures you can already see may be warmful to viewers under the age of 60 - he he. Besides it's disgusting - He He
Yep these are how the Iraqi's leave their bathroom. Yes that toilet is a proclean hole in the floor. They don't use toilets like we do nor TP - they use the hose there on the floor. And US hospital think their public restrooms look bad - top this.
Not much happening - been very quiet during Ramadan - Religious Holiday for 33 days. It's nearing the end and that's when we expect trouble....but we all hope not. We have added a second poker night and the chess tournament is to begin when we get the final two sets from home. I am more of the poker type than chess....
Out newest PM, Jack is great. He got moved up from Assistant last week. Things are getting better everyday.....hopefully we have solved out Logistics problem and will get good stuff from the states.
Only 82 days till R & R, can't wait. Bahama's here come the Harris'......for a whole week. I fly from Amman Jordan with Brian O. We have to be in Jordan for two nights and plan a day long sightseeing trip. Pictures will follow afterward of course.
The weather here is turning quickly, average temp 104.....mornings and evenings are beautiful, even the sky is clear for a change. They say it gets even better October thru December.
That's it for now, hope everyone is well. Miss all

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day 58 - September 11, 2007

Well today Leo's son reenlisted in the army and we had the ceremony on the roof of the hospital with Baghdad as the back drop. Also took some pictures of the Sheraton Hotel-Baghdad with windows shot out. The next picture is the GRD Bldg where the rockets hit-holes in the wall. That's the Iraqi Parliment building with the Flag. Then we have two Blackhawks flying by.....last picture Leo's son and his LT - thats Bailey and Chief holding the flag.

Other than this nothing exciting happening lately. Ramadan " Moslem holiday" begans thursday and runs for a month (New Moon to New Moon) - that's when things will probably get dicey.. We started a chess tournament today - a double eliminaton bracket....should be fun, these guys love their chess and soceer. Bad part is we have One chess board, so the tournament will take awhile.... to see the Pats kick some Jet booty, hopefully I will ge to see one game each week without getting up at 4am....nah I am not that big a fan.. Two more Birthdays this month, Leo and Brittany- more cakes and this time I will video that cool camera.
That's it - Only 307 more days to go.....time flies by
Hi to everyone